From Joining Member to Candidate in two minutes
I know what you are thinking; that can’t be, but in Paul Liptrot’s case that’s what happened at Newton Mark Lodge at Bryn.
Paul was advanced into Leigh Lodge No 1322 in the early 1990’s but due to personal circumstances he left after 12 months, but having been approached by friends he decided to re-join the Mark degree, this time in Newton Mark No1003, but no sooner had he been successfully balloted for he was taken outside the lodge-room to be prepared to be the candidate for a demonstration advancement planned for the evening.
Paul 2nd left with Ian Nairn, Ian Walsh and Chris Marsden
Worshipful Master Chris Marsden did the earlier part of the demonstration ably assisted by Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Ian Nairn, acting as Senior Deacon despite an injury to his abdomen caused by an accidental fall. Worshipful Brother Ian Walsh then took over for the remainder of the ceremony.
The demonstration team including Frank Laird SW (left) Frank Cooke AJW, Arthur Robinson DC and John Warminger SO
Paul thoroughly enjoyed being the candidate and due to the fact that he had spent very little time in Leigh Mark Lodge he was not able to re-call much about his original advancement which made the evening all the more interesting for him and he turned out to be a model candidate.
Article and Photographs Courtesy of Fred Lomax